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Difference between Stockholders' Equity and Stockholders' Equity-Parent?

What's the difference between "Stockholders' Equity" and "Stockholders' Equity - Parent"? Which should I use in calculating the return on equity?
ensabahnur's user avatar
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Diluted EPS Calculation

I'm new to Capital Markets and Balance Sheet reading. I'm trying to calculate DEPS (Diluted EPS) using data available in Diluted EPS = (Net Income−Preferred Dividends​) / Total ...
vijayraj34's user avatar
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The rule of thumb that if the growth of a company is 20% per year, then the P/E should be 20, what is this rule based on?

I think it was a rule of thumb that came from T. Rowe Price: if year-after-year growth of earning per share (EPS) is 10%, then its P/E ratio could be 10, as expected by people and seen as reasonable. ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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Discrepancy in P/E ratio of stocks in Robinhood app?

The current price of the Amazon stock is $1673. The latest EPS ratio was $6.04 for Q4 2018. So, the P/E ratio should be $1673/$6.04 ~ 279. But the robinhood app says the P/E ratio of Amazon is 83. ...
kchanuec's user avatar