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Questions tagged [credit-card-offers]

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5 answers

How do I know if I'll receive the Chase Freedom Unlimited sign-up bonus offer?

I recently signed up for a Chase Freedom Unlimited® credit card with the hopes of qualifying for the bonus. My application for the card was successful, but I didn't see any mention or confirmation of ...
WHY's user avatar
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What's the point of the temporary statement credit "special" offers on existing credit cards?

Every once in a while, my credit card will have a "special limited-time offer" in the form of a additional statement credit on a specific purchase category. For instance, the most recent one was a 2% ...
Felix's user avatar
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Can prior credit card accounts with a specific bank affect your chances of approval for a future card with the same bank?

I had a Citi Mastercard for several years. About a year ago, I hit a couple bumps in the road and ended up having to settle with a collection agency on the account and it now shows up on my credit ...
Daveh0's user avatar
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Credit card offering 0.5 miles for every cent rounded up. Too good to be true?

I just received an offer on my credit card (Barclays Aviator, if needed to verify). The offer (Flight Cents) is as follows: I can choose a limit every month ($1 to $500) Every transaction during a ...
perennial_noob's user avatar