I was checking the validity of the data of some fundamental data provider and used MSFT as an example. I was surprised that it doesn't have the latest MSFT Earnings Release for FY18 Q4.

The published report on the Microsoft site Earnings Report - note the date July 19, 2018.

I asked support and they answered that their data is exactly the same as SEC filings - I checked the SEC fillings and indeed it doesn't have that report either.

So, my question is, am I right and there's a huge delay (more than a month) before Earnings Release will be put in the SEC filings? Or did I miss something?

1 Answer 1


Q4 ended on June 30th and the 10-K was published on Aug 3. The delay was only a couple days more than a month. However, some of the information was available in the July 19 8-K.

  • Looks like the 2017 annual report was published around the same timeframe (Aug 2).
    – D Stanley
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 21:37

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