Yes, this is a brilliant get rich quick scheme!
Study his plan and his video closely. Then come up with some variations to make your own plan. Produce your own video. Get gullible people to pay you for these videos or the books you sell.
The plan itself, of course, is absurd. Most 20 year olds struggle to come up with a down payment for one house, never mind for another one every year. Owning a rental property is far, far from an easy, guaranteed money-maker. Trust me, I owned a rental property for 10 years. I lost money on it every year. Every. Single. Year.
Sometimes you can't find a tenant and the place sits empty for months. But you still have to pay the mortgage. And while if no one is living in it the utilities will be minimal, they won't be zero -- especially in the winter if the property is someplace cold, you have to pay to keep it to at least a minimal temperature. You have to keep the yard mowed, etc.
Every time you get a new tenant you have to clean the place, usually do a bunch of repainting.
Anything that breaks, you have to get it fixed. If you're reasonably handy and live near the property, maybe you can do it yourself. Otherwise you have to hire someone.
Often tenants will call with nonsense maintenance problems. I had a tenant who complained that the water heater wasn't working. I had to call a plumber to look at it. He found that the knob was set to "low". He turned the knob up. Problem solved. His bill: $200. I don't blame the plumber. He had to drive to the house, figure out that that was the problem, and then after turning the knob hang around long enough to be sure that was it. $200 was a reasonable fee for his time. But.
Sometimes you get a tenant who decides not to pay the rent. So you evict them, right? In my state, theoretically I could evict a tenant with 3 days notice. In practice, they don't leave. So you have to take them to court. The court will schedule a date in 2 to 3 months. If they're not paying the rent you probably win the case easily. Great. Now you have a court order. They still don't leave. With the court order you can get the police to go order them out. They'll get around to that in another month or 2. So it's like 4 or 5 months between when you decide to evict them and when they actually leave. Of course they don't bother to pay the rent in that time. Why should they? You've already started the eviction process. They may decide to trash the place for revenge on you ordering them out.
Some tenants trash the place because they're mad at you for some reason, or just because they're slobs. I had one tenant do $10,000 worth of damage, including trash all over the house about a foot deep that had to be hauled away, feces on the walls, carpet destroyed, light fixtures destroyed, etc.
My point is not that it's impossible to make money as a landlord, but that it's not a guarenteed get rich quick scheme. It requires a specific set of skills like any other business. If you're good at it, I'm sure you can make money. If you're not, you can lose a bundle.