I've been looking for a definitive and up-to-date (and reasonably regularly updated) source listing the companies included in the FTSE4Good UK 50 index (preferably by their LSE ticker code).
This has proven surprisingly hard to find.
Initially I assumed it'd be available at the LSE's site where lists of e.g FTSE100 constituents and FTSE techmark constituents can be found. But while the FTSE4Good UK does have a presence there, it's missing the "constituents" tab the other indices provide.
The other obvious place is the FTSE Russell's own info on the index (and its international/global siblings)... however there seems to be nothing as straightforward as a list of companies there so far as I could find. The best I could do was a factsheet with some "top5" info, and some periodic review documents just listing differential changes (example)... but nothing with an actual list before or after those changes.
So: What are the companies included in the FTSE4Good UK 50? (And if anyone can provide the information, where did you get it?)