A friend has recently started a job as a nanny in Ohio and received their first paycheck. The employer family also provided a spreadsheet that records the gross pay, various withholdings, and net pay. The employer family records withholdings for Employer taxes as well as some Employee taxes.
For Employer taxes, they withhold for Federal Unemployment, Social Security, Medicare, and Ohio Unemployment.
For Employee taxes, they withhold for Social Security and Medicare only.
As a new Ohio "household employee," how would my friend handle Federal and State taxes? How do you know how much to withhold? How do you handle paying these taxes to the IRS? Is it a lump sum payment at the time of filing taxes, or can you make payments on each check?
Is the employer required to withhold for Employee Federal and State taxes or is it optional? Should my friend be expecting a W2 form from the employer family at the end of the year?
I know that this post contains several questions. It has been very hard finding answers to these questions on Google as many search entries only provide answers to the household employer. I hope that someone can help my friend get started in the right direction. Thanks in advance!