Several months ago, my credit card number was stolen and used to buy some airline tickets. My credit card company reacted very quickly to lock my account and alert me to the charges.
However, as I came to learn about this type of scam, the scammer generally buys and immediately refunds the tickets in order to sell them on third party sites to attempt to hide their trail. In our case, we reacted so quickly that we got the charges reversed before those refund transactions hit the account.
At the end of this, I found myself with about $3000 of money that doesn't belong to me credited to my account due to the double credit. I have called the credit card company and they have assured me they are aware and will correct it, but it has been 4 months now.
I know this isn't my money so I don't get to keep it, but how long do I have to wait and what can I do to get it resolved?