Is there a method or data points to query based on volume/simple
moving average for example or some other criteria that can provide
this information?
No, of course not.
That would involve predicting the future. And magic eight balls are just toys, Ouija boards are just for play, and tarot cards are just cardboard.
The past 24-72 hours is not a predictor of the future 24-72 hours or anything else. Stocks go up, stocks go down, and they don't follow a short-term pattern that you can read ahead of time. Afterwards, yes - but in the middle, no.
You can look at pretty graphs like uptrends, and try to invest into a trough. The problem is there's no way to predict how many peaks and troughs an uptrend will have before a reversal. It may be one, it may be many. The same holds true for any other pattern-based investment attempt.
Basically you have to guess the correct time to get out as well as the correct time to get in. You might get lucky twice, or you might not.
The only way to identify a stock rocketing up is:
- define what you mean by "rocketing up"
- look for that happening in the recent past
- gamble that it will continue to happen
- place your bet
- keep ypur fingers crossed
- decide when to get out
- if you are successful once, admit that it was luck, not skill
Good luck.