I decided to make my own double entry accounting program that deals with multicurrency. However, I am facing an issue in dealing with following scenario:
I have two bank accounts:
From: Opening Balance ($) 200$
To: Bank ($) 200$
Similar entry for Euro bank account with 100
Assume current Exchange rate is 1 Euro=1.1$
, assume base currency is USD, this makes current total assets is 200+1.1*100=310$
Assume that at some day, when the exchange rate was 1 Euro=1.2$
I exchanged 50
Euros to 50*1.2=60$
, so now on balance I have 100-50=50 Euro
and 200+60=260$
, then total assets according to todays rate 1.1
is 260+50*1.1=315$
So here we get the issue that we have unbalanced state, 310$
in total as an opening balances, but 315$
as an Assets, I do not understand what to do and how to register the unrealized exchange rate gain
of 5$
Any help on this?
I really do not understand how this can be, but I just tried to make the same scenario in the infamous GnuCash
, and gess what... the Assets vs. Equity became also unbalanced with 5$
difference, how it can allow such a thing? strange, or I miss understand something here...