I've come across this situation a couple of times and I'm a bit confused. Say I have a wireless bill which shows a due date of July 24 2016 (a Sunday). I submit an online payment from my bank on the 21st. These payments always arrive in two days, and in this case the payment does clear on the 23rd (a Saturday) as far as I can tell.
Yet the company says it didn't arrive until the next business day (Monday the 25th), which triggers a late fee. So it seems the true due date isn't the 24th but the 22nd which is the last business day before the due date. How is this logical? Why would the payee use a due date which isn't a business day?
To make this worse, they say that I could have gone to their web site and made a CC payment on the 24th (the not-a-business-day due date) which would have been accepted. Which sure makes it look like the 23rd and 24th were business days for them. Naturally they don't see the issue -- I'm a deadbeat and that's that.
Do I have an argument for forgiving the late fee, or not?