I'm trying to recreate a credit account statement from mathematical principles in order to verify its veracity. This is because I suspect I've been charged an additional payment after supposedly settling, but would like to be more confident in this before querying it.
However, no matter what numbers I plug in, I can't reproduce even the first interest payments of the credit agreement:
The rate of interest on your agreement is 12.5% per annum. Interest is calculated on a day to day basis on the balance outstanding under your agreement and is added to your account on the same dates as your repayments are due.
Date Description Debits Credits Balance -------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Balance £0.00 03-Sep-14 Initial Purchase £2,556.23 £2,556.23 23-Oct-14 Repayment £84.70 £2,471.53 23-Oct-14 Interest £25.66 £2,497.19 23-Nov-14 Repayment £84.70 £2,412.49 23-Nov-14 Interest £25.07 £2,437.56 23-Dec-14 Repayment £84.70 £2,352.86 23-Dec-14 Interest £23.68 £2,376.54 23-Jan-15 Repayment £84.70 £2,291.84 23-Jan-15 Interest £23.85 £2,315.69 23-Feb-15 Repayment £84.70 £2,230.99 23-Feb-15 Interest £23.24 £2,254.23
[and so on]
Recreating each line in an Excel spreadsheet and attempting to reproduce the interest figures, I've tried:
- Interest = 0.125/12 * (balance before today's repayment)
- Interest = 0.125/12 * (balance after today's repayment)
- Balance after interest = (balance before today's repayment) * (1 + 0.125/365)(days in the month)
- Balance after interest = (balance after today's repayment) * (1 + 0.125/365)(days in the month)
- Balance after interest = (balance before today's repayment) * (1 + 0.125/365)(days since last interest)
- Balance after interest = (balance after today's repayment) * (1 + 0.125/365)(days since last interest)
Yet none of them give me a result of £25.66 for the first interest payment.
What am I missing? What formula should I be using for each "interest" line? (Once I have that, I can simply "drag it down" in Excel and prove whether the last payments were correct.)