I've heard both these terms used - are they synonymous? Or is one for Canada, one for the U.K. (or U.S.)?
What are the various factors go into determining an individual's "credit score"?
I've heard both these terms used - are they synonymous? Or is one for Canada, one for the U.K. (or U.S.)?
What are the various factors go into determining an individual's "credit score"?
Credit ratings are the same as credit score, but they very different from a credit report.
A credit score is a calculated number based on a usually secret formula that attempts to quantify with math a consistent number that ranks everybody equally and uniformly as to the risk they present to a lender.
Basically, we are all just a number; the higher the better.
Your credit report is a detailed list of all your accounts, how well you pay them and if you are behind or have settled them as agreed. It is a detailed history of how you use credit, who you have credit from, how long you have had credit, and how much credit and debt you carry.
A credit report relies on lenders honestly and accurately stating how your account is performing with them. Some radio show hosts (Clark Howard) say that up to 70% of United States citizens have a mistake on their credit reports.
The credit report is the source of values that are computed into your credit score.
By and large, your credit score gives a lender a good idea if you are acceptable, but if you number is on the line, they MIGHT choose to read your credit report to make a decision by a human. Your credit score is how retail stores can offer and immediately approve store cards. If you number is high enough, credit you get.
Source: https://www.annualcreditreport.com/
EDIT: I didn't read well the first time, but sine I typed it I will leave it here. Sorry for rushing and not reading well.