I'll graduate very soon with a computer engineering degree. I'm lucky enough to be in a field where there's a lot of openings in the city I live in right now (population: 100 000) but it requires a car to get by. I have the option of working for my friend with virtually equal pay (we're talking a few ten dollar bills in difference) in a much larger city (about a million people in the metropolitan area).
I only really have that friend in the bigger city, and I really only have my college friends here but my wife has a few ones here, so when it comes to friends and family, it's a toss up between the two. This is really just a dollar question.
It is much more expensive to live in the larger city, but I would not need a car (there's trams, trains and other stuff there, I was raised there and know I would make it without a car) and the possibility to get higher pay is of course greater.
What other factors are relevant in this decision beyond transportation, wages and home prices? In other words, what more should I look into to really find the place where I keep the most of my pay check post bills?
I have the option of working for my friend
Have you thought about this in it's entirety. How about cost of living ? Eating out ? Entertainment ? Travel if required to places, other than work ?