The rates can't just be subtracted. You have to discount each future payment for inflation to find the total inflation-adjusted cost.
First though, the calculator you are using is assuming the input rate is a nominal rate, compounded monthly, not an effective rate. I'll proceed with nominal annual rates.
So, using the loan formula to arrive at the figure you calculated.
pv = 500000
n = 30*12
r = 0.028/12 = 0.00233333 (0.233333% per month)
p = r*pv/(1 - (1 + r)^-n) = 2054.47
p*n = 739610.00
Checking the discounting is working, because we'll use this for discounting inflation.
(p - (1 + r)^-n*p)/r = 500000. = pv
Yes, discounting at the interest rate gets us back to the mortgage present value.
It is basically the summation of the payments, each discounted at the interest rate.
pv = Σ p (1 + r)^-k for k = 1 to n
∴ pv = 500000.
This is the same method as can be used to discount for inflation.
Taking inflation at 2% nominal compounded monthly to get the inflation adjusted total.
inf = 0.02/12 = 0.00166667
adjusted = (p - (1 + inf)^-n*p)/inf = 555834.41
The total inflation-adjusted cost of the mortgage is $555,834.41
Now to try subtracting the inflation rate from the interest rate to see what the total amount paid with an adjusted rate (r2
) would be.
r2 = r - inf = 0.00233333 - 0.00166667 = 0.00066666
p2 = r2*pv/(1 - (1 + r2)^-n) = 1562.67
p2*n = 562562.90
It comes out different from the inflation adjusted total, so subtracting the rates does not work.
To see what is happening in more detail, here is the same procedure simplified, with just three compounding periods.
pv = 500000
n = 3
r = 0.1 (10% per month)
p = r*pv/(1 - (1 + r)^-n) = 201057.40
pv = Σ p (1 + r)^-k for k = 1 to n
∴ pv = (p (1 + r)^-1) + (p (1 + r)^-2) + (p (1 + r)^-3) = 500000.
If inflation is 4% per month can the rates be subtracted?
inf = 0.04 (4% per month)
adjusted = (p (1 + inf)^-1) + (p (1 + inf)^-2) + (p (1 + inf)^-3) = 557952.59
Seeing if the total comes out the same starting with the rate minus inflation.
pv = 500000
n = 3
r2 = 0.1 - 0.04 = 0.06 (6% per month)
p2 = r2*pv/(1 - (1 + r2)^-n) = 187054.90 *
p2*n = 561164.72
So again, the total with the rate minus inflation ($561,164.72) is not the same as the full rate total with the payments properly discounted for inflation ($557,952.59).
* Check
pv = Σ p2 (1 + r2)^-k for k = 1 to n
∴ pv = (p2 (1 + r2)^-1) + (p2 (1 + r2)^-2) + (p2 (1 + r2)^-3) = 500000.