I'm looking to invest several small amounts of money in an investment account, as well as a continued stream of small contributions. The total sum is maybe $3000 to start, in sizes of about $100-$300 each. I'd like to be able to track individual contributions so I can see the sources of growth, but without needing to purchase individually, as even a $7.95 trade cost will add up too fast. I might want to just put the $3000 into a single purchase, or maybe even two stock purchases. Is there a system or method to do this?
So I want to end up with a list of something like this:
BUY $500
$100 $107 7%
$100 $107 7%
$100 $105 5%
$200 $204 2%
EDIT: To explain better: This is for my daughter's investment account which will be funded with small contributions like christmas or birthday money, along with a regular parental contribution probably. I'd like to be able to track individual contributions, like "christmas 2013 from grandma", throughout its investment life. So, if grandma gave $100 in 2013... and it was invested, sold, invested, sold, etc, how can I best track that original $100's cost basis indefinitely?
I use spreadsheets a lot but haven't figured out how to best track this way.