I am considering open a Roth IRA account and I was wondering how much I'll be taxed on my deposits. I am a nonresident alien for tax purposes, and I read online that I would be subject to a 30% rate. This is about twice the tax rate I pay from my wages, so it seems excessive. I would appreciate any information on this!


  • 1
    For a NR, unless you're planning on getting a green card and emigrating into the US, Roth is not a good idea.
    – littleadv
    Jul 21, 2014 at 5:37
  • Yes, I've been in the US as a student for 4 years and I am planning to stay and get a green card as soon as I can apply for one.
    – Natali
    Jul 21, 2014 at 14:46

1 Answer 1


Roth deposits are made with post tax money. It's not like there's a special rate. When you earn a dollar, it's taxed at your marginal rate but at that moment, it doesn't know your plans for it.

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