I live in Canada. My brother in the U.K. is thinking of purchasing a house with his wife. They are both teachers and careful with their money but don't yet have money for a down-payment.
I am thinking of loaning them some money, somewhere on the order of £10,000 (around $16,000 rounded down). I'm well aware of the advice about only loaning money you are willing to lose, and would not be charging interest on this loan. I would take no ownership of the property.
What, if any, tax implications are there here, on both sides? There's currency risk, so I may have to pay capital gains or take a capital loss from currency differences. If I split this risk with my brother, would it work roughly the same way? Would this be considered a gift and, if so, would it be taxable? Does the money need to be in a U.K. bank account for e.g. 90 days before it can be used for a down-payment? Are there any other financial or tax implications I have not considered?