I see that a lot of banks offer savings account and current account with online banking. Usually the savings account can have instant access and some interest rate, while the current account has no interest rate, but has a debit card.
I use my debit card to purchase things, but I'm always in danger of running out of money on my current account. So I always have to log in to internet banking every few days and put some money from my savings account to my current account. I don't want to put all money on my current account, because then I do not have any interest on my unused money.
It seems utterly trivial that I should be able to keep all of my money on my savings account and transfer money to my current account on a on-demand basis. Yet, I could not find an option to do this. Does anyone have a tip?
What I don't understand is why cannot I earn interest on my money and use it with my debit card at the same time?
I went to my bank today and they told me the only way I can access my instant-access savings account is through manual log-in. They said they had the option of automatic transfer a few years ago, but they removed it. I assume they did this in order to discourage people to access their instant access accounts instantly.