The last time I was on U.S. soil was in 2011 on a J-1 Visa. I opened a personal bank account with Bank of America in California. I didn't close it when I left. I still have money in the account and I sometimes use it for online transactions and/or international debit card payments/withdrawals.
If I start funding this account and continue using it to make payments and transfer money to another account in U.S. (e.g. my brokerage account), will I have anything to declare to the IRS?
The funding of this account might come from one or more of these options:
- foreign bank account under my name
- foreign bank account under a 3rd party name
- domestic (U.S.) bank account under a 3rd party name
The 2nd and 3rd scenario would come as a result of some freelancing activity done while I am out of the US (definitely would qualify for Non-Resident Alien status).
Do I need to declare it to IRS? Would I get taxed in U.S. or only in my country of residence?