It's been 60 days since I changed my job and I have an outstanding 401(k) loan of $30K(+30k non loan amount). I have only $20K to pay and my 401k plan won't accept the partial amount.
I still didn't get my delinquency notice, so I don't know when and what are the rules to pay back.
If I don't get any notice, can I argue that I still didn't get the notice, or is it my duty to keep on top of it? When I called the call center they said that generally the loan is due in 90 days. She didn't know if I will get a notice with a grace period or not. What does such a notice generally look like; is there a grace period?
Let's say I get a notice saying that my loan is delinquent. Can I roll my whole 401k(I know i cannot rollover my loan) into my IRA, and pay into the IRA the partial amount to reduce my penalty and taxes? (meaning, 30k non-loan rollover, plus 20k )