I want to be able to create digital money pots, similar to the physical piggy banks people keep at home, i.e.
Pot 1: Money for food per month
Pot 2: Money for car fuel per month
Pot 3: Money for fun
Pot 4: Toys for children
Pot 5: Cloths shopping
Pot 6: Gas/Electricity per month
I want to be able to create as many or as little of these pots as needed/wanted.
I have a bank account with whom I have 2 accounts, I use 1 account to keep money for general monthly bills and the other account for extra stuff. I have asked the bank to allow me to open many more accounts but they will not allow it.
I have opened an account with another bank, but it becomes difficult to manage these money pots if spread across different accounts.
So my question is, is it possible to create some sort of digital money pots where you can have as many of these pots as you want and ideally with credit/debit card attached to them too?
The answer will probably be no, so my next question is, what would be the next best closest equivalent to my original question?