My understanding of the NAR case is that the commission field in the MLS database is removed. So, the seller effectively can negotiate the terms of both seller and buyer broker commission.
Now, this doesn't prevent a seller to call up an agent off the MLS and make a deal.
What I am puzzled: who is the intended beneficiary of this NAR settlement?
My guess is that the settlement tries to break the tacit and traditional 6% (3 for buyer agent, 3 for seller agent) rule in the broker industry and potentially making it lower thus the list price lower since sellers baeke in these commissions into their list prices.
But couldn't just a rich seller call up both sides of the agents and offer something like 8% and this empowers those who have more financial resources (e.g., larger, bigger, more expensive homeowners)?
This is why I am trying to understand who exactly is intended to benefit from this settlement but who will eventually benefit from the settlement.