and looking to begin investing so I can make my money work for me
Suppose that you are currently making 50k annually from your work. To make "your money work for you", you need to have a money that is much enough to return 50K annually (for example on an interest rate of 10%
you will need to have 500k) So you should first consider making that amount of money, then we come to the main question
What is the best way to start investing ?
Short answer:
Feasibility studies. You must define the options/opportunities you have and study, evaluate and calculate the financial ratios for every one of them, then make your decision based on numbers.
Not short answer:
It's not correct to say that "business x is feasible". Instead, say "opportunity x is feasible" . Because if business x is feasible, sooner or later it will attract more investors till they fill the gap between the demand and supply and reduce the market price of the product and the business will not be feasible anymore.
|year |supply |demand | market price | investing |
|2019 |700k |1000k |100 |feasible |
|2020 |800k |1000k |90 |feasible |
|2021 |900k |1000k |80 |feasible(with risk)|
|2022 |1000k |1000k |70 (balanced) |not feasible |
|2023 |1050k |1000k |65 |not feasible |
So I can't tell you to go and invest in stocks, restaurants or software industry, however I can till you if a Mexican food restaurant in Cairo, Egypt in the next 6 months is a feasible investment or not (and that is what financial consultants do)
Investing in yourself is an option
What if I told you that if you are -for example - holding a Ph.D in your specialty and learned Mandarin language you will increase your income from work by 90k annually ?
I know this is conflicting with your goal as making your money work for you, but I also know that you still young and just started your career (The question is 9 years ago before writing this answer, you could be a Dad by now :D ) , but young and fresh grads without enough money to invest, should consider this options because in most of the cases this is the most feasible option for them.
What should you do now ?
1. define the available investment opportunities
Ask your friends, relatives, google, SE network, yourself what are the investment options that I could invest my money and time in ? and define them in a list of 10-20 items (don't forget to put investing in your career as one of them) .
2. prepare the feasibility studies for these investment opportunists
Feasibility studies cost - specially the market research - , and it's completely insane to prepare 20 detailed feasibility studies (with a market research), but at least you should prepare the Basic study.
Feasibility studies are prepared on 4 major phases
- basic study (if feasible, start the detailed study)
- market study (if the market has an opportunity, go to next phase)
- technical study (if possible, go to next phase)
- financial study (if feasible, recommend this investment)
Prepare the basic study for your options by searching, asking, making a small market research and estimate the cash-out/cash-in for everyone, then remove the unfeasible ones from the list, and leave the most feasible 1-3 opportunities, then make a file for each study and start preparing the study for these 3 opportunists in much more details, calculate the ratios and finally summarize the results in a table.
|investment opportunity |cost |cash-out | cash-in | IRR | ROI | NPV | payback period|
| 1 | | | | | | | |
| 2 | | | | | | | |
| 3 | | | | | | | |
1 = Ph.d + some courses
2 = stock
3 = partnership with my friend in a software company
Remember that the more you invest in the feasibility study itself from your time, money and effort, the less you lose. I have seen millions wasted on unfeasible projects because of bad feasibility studies.
BTW, I used to work in a business advisory firm in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and was responsible for the financial study part of the study, before I quit my job and start my own software business in Arab region market.
I hope I could delever the main point of the answer
Business x
is always a good investment is a myth, but opportunity x
in time t
and market m
could be a good investment now. Good investors are hunters of opportunities.