I have some money idle at my x-o.co.uk ISA. as interest rates are quite healthy, I'd like to invest in UK government bonds of a few months terms.
no idea how to do this, as I'd need the ticker codes, and no idea how to find these.
I dont even know what the shortest terms you can invest for are, eg can you invest in say 1 month?
the only info I have on UK govt bonds is this URL: https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/rates-bonds/government-bonds/uk
but this only gives 2 year as the shortest term, the thing is their US list shows 3 month and 6 month,
but I know the US also has 1 month not on their list, which has been above 5.5% in recent times, which is a healthy rate. their list also doesnt have 3 year, 7 year and 20 year which I know exist, but I dont know the ticker codes for. ie there are probably shorter term UK govt bonds not in the above list.
I would like to hold the bonds for the full term, eg say 1 month, and then reinvest them again and again, until I need the cash or decide to invest in shares.I dont know if I have to manually reinvest on each maturity, with maybe some days uninvested?
x-o are an execution only broker, and I asked them about this, and didnt get anything actionable.
they said I can invest in govt bonds, but I need to know the ticker codes.
preferably to know the ticker codes for free, I dont want to have to pay money just to find things to buy!
anyway, there are 3 main questions:
- what are all the timescales of UK government bonds?
- how do I find the ticker codes of these for investing at x-o.co.uk? (where my interest is in 1 month, or 2 month or 3 month, if these exist)
- if the above are answered, can I automatically reinvest on maturity, or does this have to be done manually?
many thanks for any help,