Is there any product that offers you to at once buy baskets of stocks according to the market at that moment (or some time in the past) like ETF's do but without any re-balancing after?
I think a large part of the cost (TER and/or swap fees) of ETF's is due to the re-balancing. There seems to be a strange obsession with exactly keeping up with the market when there is no real reason to mind small deviations. They might do better or worse but it probably doesn't hugely increase the spread and it should not affect the expectation value at all. The main appeal of ETF's is that it is the easiest way to invest in many stocks at once in order to diversify. But you can do the same by buying one basket once and holding it forever. I also wouldn't mind buying an outdated say "2005" basket if that was when this "stable ETF" happened to start. (And if there would be multiple such funds with different start dates picking different ones each time you invest would help diversify further.)
Does such a product exist or do I really need to buy individual stocks to avoid any fees/losses related to re-balancing?
I am based in the EU and would be most interested in products available to EU residents.