This answer will show how to calculate:
- the average buy,
- the average sell, and
- the break-even price
These calculations were determined using
Unfortunately, it's still a mystery how one would calculate the cost basis using FIFO or LIFO. I welcome other answers that show how to do these calculations :)
Transaction 1
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
After the first day, the calculations are simple.
You currently have a total of 3 XMR.
You spent a total of (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) = 0.011787 BTC
Average Buy
For the "Average Buy," we want to know the average price that we paid (in BTC) for each 1 coin of XMR.
To calculate the "Average Buy," we take the sum of the all of our weighted buys (obtained by multiplying the quantity of XMR bought by the price of 1 XMR in BTC) and divide it by the sum of the quantity of XMR bought.
Note For the "Average Buy" do not include any sell transactions
The algorithm for this is
[ (tx1 buy qty) * (tx1 price) + (tx2 buy qty) * (tx2 price) + ... + (txn buy qty) * (txn price) ] / [ (tx1 buy qty) + (tx2 buy qty) + ... + (txn buy qty) ]
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) ] = 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
For the "Average Sell," we want to know the average price that we sold (in BTC) for each 1 coin of XMR.
To calculate the "Average Sell," we take the sum of the all of our weighted sells (obtained by multiplying the quantity of XMR sold by the price of 1 XMR in BTC) and divide it by the sum of the quantity of XMR sold.
Note For the "Average Sell" do not include any buy transactions
The algorithm for this is
[ (tx1 sell qty) * (tx1 price) + (tx2 sell qty) * (tx2 price) + ... + (txn sell qty) * (txn price) ] / [ (tx1 sell qty) + (tx2 sell qty) + ... + (txn sell qty) ]
At this point, you haven't sold anything. There is no average sell price.
Break-Even Price
For the "Break-Even Price," we want to know at what price you would need to sell all of your XMR in order to break even (profit = 0 BTC).
To calculate the "Break-Even Price," we take the sum of the all of our weighted buys and sells (obtained by multiplying the quantity of XMR bought/sold by the price of 1 XMR in BTC) and divide it by the sum of the quantity of XMR bought/sold.
Note The Break-Even Price is very similar to the "Average Buy" and "Average Sell," except that it includes both buy and sell transactions.
The algorithm for this is
[ (tx1 qty) * (tx1 price) + (tx2 qty) * (tx2 price) + ... + (txn qty) * (txn price) ] / [ (tx1 qty) + (tx2 qty) + ... + (txn qty) ]
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) ] = 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Transaction 2
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
After the second transaction, you've completed two buy transactions and currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR = 4 XMR
Average Buy
For the "Average Buy," we simply sum how much we spent on XMR purchases (in bitcoin) and divide it by the sum of XMR that we own.
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) ] = 0.0039085 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.0039085 BTC/XMR
Note that the previous buy price was 0.003929 BTC/XMR
. It makes sense that this new average buy price is slightly lower because our second purchase was made at a slightly less expensive price.
Average Sell
At this point, you haven't sold anything. There is no average sell price.
Break-Even Price
For the "Break-Even," we simply sum how much we spent or received on all XMR purchases & sales (in bitcoin) and divide it by the sum of XMR that we've bought and sold.
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) ] = 0.0039085 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is 0.0039085 BTC/XMR
Transaction 3
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
Tx 3
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003741 BTC/XMR
After the third transaction, you've completed three buy transactions and currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR + 3 XMR = 7 XMR
Average Buy
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) ] = 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
At this point, you haven't sold anything. There is no average sell price.
Break-Even Price
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) ] = 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Transaction 4
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
Tx 3
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003741 BTC/XMR
Tx 4
- sell 3 XMR at 0.007678 BTC/XMR
After the fourth transaction, you've completed three buy transactions and one sell transaction. You currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR + 3 XMR - 3 XMR = 4 XMR
Average Buy
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) ] = 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Note Because this sell transaction is not computed in the "Average Buy," there is no change from the previous transaction's average buy of 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
[ (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) / [ (3 XMR) ] = 0.007678 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average sell at this point is 0.007678 BTC/XMR
Break-Even Price
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) - (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) - (3 XMR) ] = 0.00095575 BTC/XMR
Note For the sell transactions, we subtract both the weighted transaction amount from the top of the denominator and the quantity from the bottom of the denominator
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is 0.00095575 BTC/XMR
Note that because we've now had our first sell transaction, the "Average Buy" and "Break-Even" prices begin to diverge.
Transaction 5
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
Tx 3
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003741 BTC/XMR
Tx 4
- sell 3 XMR at 0.007678 BTC/XMR
Tx 5
- sell 2 XMR at 0.008008 BTC/XMR
After the fifth transaction, you've completed three buy transactions and two sell transaction. You currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR + 3 XMR - 3 XMR - 2 XMR = 2 XMR
Average Buy
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) ] = 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
[ (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) + (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (2 XMR) ] = 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average sell at this point is 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Break-Even Price
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) - (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) - (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) - (3 XMR) - (2 XMR) ] = -0.0060965 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is -0.0060965 BTC/XMR
Note Your break-even price becomes negative here because you've been so profitable that, even if the value of XMR drops to zero, you'd still have net positive gains
Transaction 6
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
Tx 3
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003741 BTC/XMR
Tx 4
- sell 3 XMR at 0.007678 BTC/XMR
Tx 5
- sell 2 XMR at 0.008008 BTC/XMR
Tx 6
- sell 2 XMR at 0.007912 BTC/XMR
After the sixth transaction, you've completed three buy transactions and three sell transaction of equal amounts. You currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR + 3 XMR - 3 XMR - 2 XMR - 2 XMR = 0 XMR
Average Buy
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) ] = 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.003836714 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
[ (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) + (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) + (2 XMR) * (0.007912 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (2 XMR) + (2 XMR) ] = 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average sell at this point is 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Break-Even Price
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) - (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) - (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) - (2 XMR) * (0.007912 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) - (3 XMR) - (2 XMR) - (2 XMR) ] = infinity!! BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is infinity!! BTC/XMR
Note Your break-even price cannot be calculated here because you've sold all your XMR and you cannot divide by zero
Transaction 7
Tx 1
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003929 BTC/XMR
Tx 2
- buy 1 XMR at 0.003847 BTC/XMR
Tx 3
- buy 3 XMR at 0.003741 BTC/XMR
Tx 4
- sell 3 XMR at 0.007678 BTC/XMR
Tx 5
- sell 2 XMR at 0.008008 BTC/XMR
Tx 6
- sell 2 XMR at 0.007912 BTC/XMR
Tx 7
- buy 1 XMR at 0.007084 BTC/XMR
After the seventh transaction, you've bought and sold all your XMR for a profit, then you re-bought at a relative low. You currently hold a total of 3 XMR + 1 XMR + 3 XMR - 3 XMR - 2 XMR - 2 XMR + 1 XMR = 1 XMR
Average Buy
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.007084 XMR/BTC) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) ] = 0.004242625 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average buy at this point is 0.004242625 BTC/XMR
Average Sell
[ (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) + (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) + (2 XMR) * (0.007912 BTC/XMR) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (2 XMR) + (2 XMR) ] = 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your average sell at this point is 0.00781 BTC/XMR
Break-Even Price
[ (3 XMR) * (0.003929 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.003847 BTC/XMR) + (3 XMR) * (0.003741 BTC/XMR) - (3 XMR) * (0.007678 BTC/XMR) - (2 XMR) * (0.008008 BTC/XMR) - (2 XMR) * (0.007912 BTC/XMR) + (1 XMR) * (0.007084 XMR/BTC) ] / [ (3 XMR) + (1 XMR) + (3 XMR) - (3 XMR) - (2 XMR) - (2 XMR) + (1 XMR) ] = -0.020933 BTC/XMR
Therefore, your break-even price at this point is -0.020933 BTC/XMR