A person, let's say "X" got an offer from a US company as a Consultant. X lives in India. To receive payments from US company, does X need to start a LLC/PVT in India?

How can X receive payments for the consulting services provided to the US company?

1 Answer 1


How can X receive payments for the consulant services provided for US company ?

the company Send Money to X.

does X need to start a LLC/PVT in India?

No, there would be perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in India who get paid as individuals (simply "self-employed" in India) for freelancing from the US. I just paid like three! I have rarely, indeed, never, seen a freelance programmer in India bother with company formation.

  • Thanks @Fattie for your reply. Ofcouse the company will send money to X. From the tax point of view , which one is better ? Receive funds via company ? OR Receive funds directly in X's account? Thanks much. Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 4:15
  • Please note that your question, both the title and body, ask whether you NEED to start a llc/pvt. You do not need to. Regarding which is better tax wise in India, you'd need to ask a new question, and the answer would be very complicated and depend on the exact amounts. etc. As I mention in the answer, I have rarely, indeed, never, seen a freelance programmer in India bother with company formation.
    – Fattie
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 22:08

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