I'm new to stocks. I'm reading the annual 10-K report of Wayfair for 2020: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1616707/000161670721000064/w-20201231.htm
In p.37 when mentioning the figures of the metric, they have this note at the top of the table: (in thousands, except LTM Net Revenue per Active Customer, Average Order Value and per share data)
LTM net revenue per active customer (2) --> 453
#2 above is:
(2) LTM net revenue per active customer represents our total net revenue in the last twelve months divided by our total number of active customers for the same preceding twelve-month period. We view LTM net revenue per active customer as a key indicator of our customers' purchasing patterns, including their initial and repeat purchase behavior.
since the 453 is not in thousands per the note at the top of the table, how did this figure come to be? Isn't the footnote asking us to divide: 14,145,156,000 (since it was in thousands) by 31,194?