Having 2 credit cards, one of which is pre-paid, can someone keep topping up the pre-paid card with the other on a monthly basis therefore earning points?
I am asking because in this way you can theoretically always borrow money with basically negative interest (earned in points) while normally, credit card companies would charge you interest for a similar goal.
The issuing country of the cards is Germany.
Added information from comments:
In the example related to the question there is a 0.5% fee to charge and a 0.5% cashback...although I am not sure (In that way yes you would not "earn" but you would have baiscally 0% interest). I had a card in the past which would treat a top-up transaction like a purchase therefore you would not have any fees (you would instead gain cashback points)....The main point here is to determine if this is legal / permitted. Even if you have fees, in some cases they would be less expensive than normal credit p.a. interest rates (It is common in Germany to see from 10 to 20% per year interest).