Suppose that decades ago, I owned shares in a public company, and held onto the stock certificates. Suppose the company never managed to pay me dividends because they could not locate me, and I never made any effort to collect the dividends. Where does the company store the dividends that belong to me? How can I claim the dividends now?

Further suppose that the company eventually went bankrupt. Do I lose all my unclaimed dividends?

  • Where in the world are you located, and where is (or was) the company headquartered? This answer addresses this issue in the US state of California, but that likely does not apply to you.
    – yoozer8
    May 20, 2020 at 14:22
  • Contact the transfer agent. Its name should be on the certificates. I would surmise that if the company is kaput and gone, so too are your unpaid dividends. May 20, 2020 at 15:22


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