It is definitely possible that this employment situation is a scam. It sounds like an unprofessional company at best. Although it is entirely possible that this company is offering a legitimate employment opportunity, they are going about the recruiting and hiring process in a very unprofessional way. It is pretty uncommon for a prospective employer to offer a job without asking for a resume. It is also very rare for compensation to be discussed before the first interview.
My best guess from what you've described is that this is possibly a real employment opportunity, but the company is very unprofessional and possibly even trying to hide the nature of what they really do. It could also be a scam designed to convince you to pay without every actually getting the job. The fact that the company's number was not in service is definitely a red flag and is very suspicious.
In your case, I would continue searching for other jobs, because it seems doubtful that this opportunity is a fully legitimate one. As difficult as finding a job can be, you will ultimately be better off working for a more professional organization. If an employment opportunity seems suspicious, it is best to remember the old adage: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."