I’m currently working towards paying off my debt. It’s something I despise. I had some emergency hospital bills come in this year. That and I have two new cars that I bought and they have turned out to be a financial burden. I’m upside down on both loans so selling them outright is not an option at the moment. When I pay off the negative equity I will be selling them ASAP.
In the mean time I’d like to attend college and work toward getting a bachelor’s degree in Physics. The company I work for will pay for your college education. All the way up to a masters degree. However, you still have to finance school yourself. They will pay you the cost of each completed class at the end of each semester.
So, I’d have to go further into debt to go to school. However the debt would be temporary.
I’ve come to despise having debt. As it’s made my life somewhat difficult. However, I want more education.
Should I take the risk of taking on more debt by going back to school?