Recently my health insurance was cut off due to my parent's employer pulling some bookkeeping trick for the past few months where we were being given health insurance but it was off the books - constantly despite my father raising the issue.
Because of this, when my parent left the employer (due to various matters), we weren't eligible for COBRA as the employer health plan technically wasn't valid so now we're in a two week window without coverage until my family's new plan kicks in.
My family actually tried giving the former employer the payment for another month, but ultimately the employer refused to pass the check along.
Unfortunately I happen to take a few medications for various conditions (two of which are a brand name medication in different capsule sizes which cannot be combined into one - confirmed with my pharmacist and insurance company pharmacy line) and I wasn't able to do my refills before the cutoff date (too early) so I'm now left with staggered run out dates for my meds and I'm not sure what to do.
I currently have a prescription savings card from AAA which does seem to do a decent cost savings especially if I only buy 10 days of medication to hold me over, but the brand name medication totals at around $200 for just 10 days and the generics are about $100-$150 so I'd like to trim that if possible.
I've already checked Walmart RiteAid CVS and the other major pharmacies for their catalog of discount generics however they don't have any of my items on the discount list so I'm looking to ask for any other suggestions.
The question boils down to: If you lose your health insurance for a short time and you're in a transition window, what can you do if – God forbid – something serious happens or if you have a condition which requires routine medication?
The key aspect being that the transition window is large enough to be devastating (from as little as a day), but short enough that you are not eligible for short-term gap health insurance and the like (which I believe is usually 6 months to a year although I could be wrong).