Since I started my first job after graduating a few years back, I always saved a certain percentage of my salary each month on an extra savings account my bank offers. At that time, and until recently, that seemed to make sense.
Now I have, in my opinion, saved a lot of money and I'm thinking whether or not to stop putting more money into the savings account and instead use the money to invest.
My thinking is, if I got a certain amount saved and I'm sure I won't need to use it completely in an emergency (buy a new car if mine broke for example), why put even more money in the savings account instead of investing it and (hopefully) make more money with that?
I'm currently wondering what is a good point to stop saving. Should I stop at all? To clarify: I'm considering saving (setting aside some money on my savings account) and investing (actually doing something with the money, like buying estate, stocks, etc.) two different things.
To address further information: I'm currently not in debt in any way nor do I have to pay a student loan. I got a steady income every month and, apart from wanting to move out soon, I'm not planning on spending any huge amounts of money.
Regarding some comments, I'd also like to add that I'm also already paying into a employer-funded pension (correct me if this is the wrong english term for it), which should give me a nice pension on top of the governmental pension, which seems not to be sufficient enough anymore until I'm able to retire in about 40 years (heck, it does not seem to be sufficient enough anymore already today). But I'd also like to invest the money I got left to some degree, because otherwise it would just lay around useless.