In the market for a new car, looking at my options with Acura TLX. I liked the car and can pay the monthly finance rates but insurance rates seem to be pretty high.
I live in Boston, MA and I obviously expect things to cost a bit above average but I was quoted a insurance rate of $600/month on my car to be in compliance with MA state laws. That just looked too exorbitant to me. Its been same with Progressive and Geico. I am shopping for diff. policies from a different vendor but just wanted to take an opinion from the group.
I am 27Y old male, moved from India 5 years ago. I have my Indian license for last 8 years. Got my US license in 2015. Been driving rental cars since then on a regular basis with no ticket/accident.
I am also thinking if leasing a car for 3 months can help the rates to go down. Please advice