I'm trying to manually calculate the price of a bond with a long first coupon period, found a few candidate formulas on

Microsoft Excel Document: OddFPrice

mit.edu: OddFPrice

WestClinTech.com: Calculating price of bond with OFC on SQLServer

The presented formulae vary across these sources, also I can't seem to match the results given by the software when using the formula given for it (microsoft excel for instance). I suspect my current problem is an unclear understanding of the variables used in the calculations. The following is a brief description of my current mental model (using notation on excel):

Example Problem Data:

  • Bond Issue Date(m/d/y): 10 / 15 / 2008
  • Settlement Date: 11 / 11 / 2008
  • First Coupon Date: 1 / 1 / 2010
  • Maturity Date: 1 / 1 / 2022
  • Coupon Rate: 7.85%
  • Frequency of coupon payments: semi-annual
  • Yield: 6.25
  • Redemption Value per $100 face-value: $100
  • Day count basis: Actual/actual

Current understanding of the terms (as described in the given equation on excel page)

  • Ai: Number of days from bond issue date to settlement date
  • DCi: Number of days from issue date to next imaginary coupon after issue date (not first actual coupon)
  • DSC: Number of days from settlement date to next imaginary coupon after issue date (not first actual coupon)
  • E: Length in days of the first coupon period
  • N: Number of coupons payable between the first coupon date(exclusive) and maturity date
  • NC (becomes hairy here I think): Number of imaginary coupons between the issue date and settlement date
  • NLi: Length in days of the imaginary coupon period which happens to contain the settlement date
  • Nq: Number of imaginary coupon periods between settlement date and first coupon date rounded down

I strongly suspect my grasp of these terms is the real problem, so I'd very much appreciate any of the following:

  1. Clarification on the terms I described or confirmation if correct
  2. The correct/preferred formula of the three sources
  3. A detailed explanation of the problem solving process

NB: I used the term 'imaginary coupon' here in place of quasi or pseudo coupon, I do not clearly understand the meaning of those terms in these context, or whether they mean the same thing, a clarification would also be appreciated greatly.

I'm happy to provide additional details if required, thanks.

1 Answer 1


You should be able to do it manually very quickly in Excel, or write a simple VBA program. For example, consider a bond that pays $10 a year for five years starting 5 years from today, and then $100 ten years from today. The timeline of cash flows looks like so.

Periods 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- 10

Cash flows 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 10 -- 10 -- 10 -- 10 -- 10 -- 110

The value of the bond today is:

Value_0 = 10/(1+r_5)^5 + 10/(1+r_6)^6 + ... + 110/(1+r_10)^10

where r_5,...r_10 are the annually compounded yields. If the yields are semi-annually compounded, the value is

Value_0 = 10/(1+r_5/2)^10 + 10/(1+r_6/2)^12 + ... + 110/(1+r_10/2)^20

If the time to each cash flow is not a "round" number of periods, measure time in years and use effective annual rates. E.g., if the first cash flow comes in 1,794 days, its present value would be


with the discount rate, r, corresponds to the effective annual rate on a 1,794 day loan (a little less than 5 years).

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