Companies listed on the Euronext stock exchanges are classified into "Euronext", "Euronext Growth" (formerly known as Alternext), and "Euronext Access" (formerly known as marché libre). These appear to be different markets for large/mid-cap, mid/small-cap, and nano-cap stocks respectively. The "Euronext" market is the most strictly regulated market, followed by "Euronext Growth" and "Euronext Access". The question is: do companies listed on "Euronext Growth" and "Euronext Access" have to publish their financial results on a regular basis, or can they keep their financial statements private?
I am asking this question because in the US stock market, some OTC-traded stocks are legally able to "go dark" and stop publishing financial statements. I am wondering if this is also the case in the European markets that Euronext operates in (especially France, because among all the Euronext exchanges, Euronext Paris has the largest number of companies listed on "Euronext Growth" and "Euronext Access").