I have a bank account in the US and a bank account in Lithuania. The latter is identified with an IBAN and a BIC.
How can I transfer money from my US bank account to an IBAN+BIC number without any fees?
- If the exchange rate isn't the market rate, this is obviously a fee. My bank account in Lituania can be either in EUR or USD, or most other mainstream currencies.
- This question is not seeking product or service recommendations, but instead a median/mechanism to move the money. E.g., one option could be USD in a US account -> USD Coin (USDC) in a US account -> USDC in an EU account -> EUR in an EU account -> EUR in an LT account, however in that path I don't know how to perform the penultimate step and the step right before it. Anyway, this is just an example.
- Relevant meta-question: Questions about saving money.