Stanley Black & Decker seems to have three symbols on the NYSE.

  • SWK: Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
  • SWP: Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. CORP UNIT 2017
  • SWJ: Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. JR SUB DEB 52

SWK seems to me to be straight forward company stock. But I do not really understand what SWP and SWJ, or why I might want to invest in them. This makes it hard for me to valuate SWK since I do not understand how the holdings in SWP and SWJ might influence the company's financial standing or where those shares might stand in priority.

Can someone give a push in the right direction?

1 Answer 1


SWK is the common stock of Stanley Black & Decker

SWJ is the 5.750% Junior Subordinated Debenture (1.4375 annual dividend). It was issued at $25, is callable at any time and matures on 7/25/2052.

SWP is a 5.375% Equity Unit due 6/2020 which includes a stock purchase contract and a 1/10 undivided beneficial ownership interest in a 0% Series C Cumulative Perpetual Convertible Preferred Stock, no later than 5/15/2020. There are multiple price considerations that depend on the share price and you can read the prospectus at: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/93556/000119312517170874/d376195d424b2.htm


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