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Yes, you can dispute it. In principalprinciple, you can dispute any charge which did not result in any product or service being rendered.

The principalprinciple is the same is if you paid in cash. A cash transaction in which the payer received no consideration is in fact not a transaction. Legally, to take someone's money and not give them anything is just like stealing the money. With cash, it is difficult to definitely assert that the money was paid or to recover it. However, with credit card this is made simple with the process of disputing.

So yes, you can dispute it, and in principalprinciple there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Yes, you can dispute it. In principal, you can dispute any charge which did not result in any product or service being rendered.

The principal is the same is if you paid in cash. A cash transaction in which the payer received no consideration is in fact not a transaction. Legally, to take someone's money and not give them anything is just like stealing the money. With cash, it is difficult to definitely assert that the money was paid or to recover it. However, with credit card this is made simple with the process of disputing.

So yes, you can dispute it, and in principal there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Yes, you can dispute it. In principle, you can dispute any charge which did not result in any product or service being rendered.

The principle is the same is if you paid in cash. A cash transaction in which the payer received no consideration is in fact not a transaction. Legally, to take someone's money and not give them anything is just like stealing the money. With cash, it is difficult to definitely assert that the money was paid or to recover it. However, with credit card this is made simple with the process of disputing.

So yes, you can dispute it, and in principle there is nothing wrong with doing so.

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Yes, you can dispute it. In principal, you can dispute any charge which did not result in any product or service being rendered.

The principal is the same is if you paid in cash. A cash transaction in which the payer received no consideration is in fact not a transaction. Legally, to take someone's money and not give them anything is just like stealing the money. With cash, it is difficult to definitely assert that the money was paid or to recover it. However, with credit card this is made simple with the process of disputing.

So yes, you can dispute it, and in principal there is nothing wrong with doing so.