Dropping out of school may or may not be the right move for you, but don’t base your decision solely on on a tweet, or even a book.
Robert Kiyosaki likes to make points by saying shocking things and using hyperbole. Nothing he says should be taken literally, in my opinion (example).
A college degree does not guarantee success in life, but it doesn’t hurt. The idea that you should avoid getting a college degree to ensure your success is just wrong.
What can hold you back however, is student debt. College is not for everyone, becauseeveryone; it iscan be incredibly expensive and doesn’t always give you a useful education.
Some questions you should be asking yourself are:
What do I want to do as a career to earn a living? Will my college degree be useful for that? How likely will I be to succeed in this field with or without a degree?
How am I paying for school? How much debt will I have when I finish my degree? Is there another way to get the degree I need without debt (perhaps by switching to a less expensive school and/or working through school and cash-flowing the tuition)?
How am I doing in school now? Am I likely to graduate, or am I struggling?
There are many successful people both with and without college degrees. Some career fields require a college degree (e.g. engineering, medicine, law), and some do not (e.g. real estate, entepreneurshipentrepreneurship, the trades). But even in this second category, a degree does not hold people back (although student loans can).