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2015 Moderator Election

nomination began
Apr 20, 2015 at 20:00
election began
May 4, 2015 at 20:00
election ended
May 12, 2015 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

Hi, for those of you who believe that one Joe isn't enough, I offer my name for election.

What experience do I have that may be helpful?

  • I've had some experience as a moderator on a gaming forum for several years. I understand how to manage conflict and how to use a light touch to avoid it.
  • I've been a Stack Exchange user for almost three years, with nearly 60k reputation spread out across several sites (6 sites with >1k rep currently).
  • That includes 30k on Stack Overflow, where I've spent a lot of time performing moderation tasks, and earned many of the moderation badges.
  • On Parenting, I've made an effort to be part of the welcoming committee - leaving comments regularly on new posters' posts to help improve and welcome them.

What is my availability for moderation tasks?

  • I post periodically throughout the day during US days, typically 1400UTC-0300UTC.
  • I usually keep a window open during the day, until 6 or so. I also use the iPhone app and periodically check that.

Why might you not want to vote for me?

  • I'm relatively new on Money.SE (14 months)
  • I'm not really a finance expert
  • Not very active on Meta
  • Too many Joe's

I got involved with PF&M several months before it graduated to a full site. I visit regularly because finance is a hobby of mine, but I do not work in the industry, I'm a software developer like many others on the stackexchange network.

My reputation is low, though still in the top 10% of a site this size, and while I do visit the site most weekdays, and conduct reviews, I don't ask or answer questions as often. I really only speak up when I feel like I have something new to contribute to the conversation, or have a subject that I don't think has been covered previously on this site.

If you elect me, you will get a moderator who contributes M-F 9-5 central time. You will get an even-tempered moderator who will act with the dignity the site deserves. I might even stay signed-in on my phone for the occasional weekend work that I currently do not perform.

If you don't elect me you will still have a participant who conducts reviews M-F 9-5 central time, no hurt feelings.


I've been around since the beta for Money and served as moderator from August 2010 - April 2014. At that time I stepped down because I was no longer visiting the site multiple times a day like I was in the beginning.

I enjoyed being a moderator here and enjoy working with this community and enjoy serving and since leaving as a moderator, I've broken the 10K rep barrier and posted my most popular answer.

I am still actively involved multiple times a week but I can't commit to being around every day. Here are my visit logs for the last 4 months -- I can't embed them because they might be spam. :)





I expect I will maintain a similar schedule going forward.

Vote for me if you like the moderation work I've done in the past.

Don't vote for me if you want a new moderator that can be around multiple times a day on a very predictable schedule. When I stepped down before it was because I couldn't commit to be here every day, not because of the community or the job.

I've got experience of moderating on an external site,, which involves dealing with difficult users and conflicts between different groups of users on the site.

I regularly go through the review queues and I've raised 91 helpful flags. I'm also a 20K user on StackOverflow and I have experience of using the 10K/20K tools there.

I'm based in the UK so would improve the "round the clock" cover of the moderators. I'd expect to be around every day. During the week this would be mostly outside working hours (start and end of day and a bit at lunchtime), and at weekends would be off and on.

Why you might not want to choose me

I do occasionally get into disagreements with other users on the site. A good recent example is this one (I think it's now deleted). I already try to keep things as factual and non-confrontational as possible, but having a diamond next to my name would mean I had to be much more careful.

This election is over.