Questions tagged [annual-report]

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What is the difference between "Filing Date" and "Accepted" date in EDGAR?

In Apple's 2019 Form 10-K filing on EDGAR, I see this: What is the difference between "Filing Date" and "Accepted" date? In some filings, the "Filing Date" and "...
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eBay Revenue Statement Discrepancy

In the eBay's 10-K filing to the SEC in 2014, they said that their revenue in 2012 was $14,072m. But in their 2015 statement, it shows as $7,371m. Why is there a discrepancy in these two filings? Why ...
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Are shareholders and tax collectors shown the same financial statements?

Companies publish annual financial statements directed at shareholders. Are these financial statements the same as those given to the tax collector? Do companies report the same profits to their ...
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